Wednesday, 21 March 2012

heathers zombie pictures

theses where my pictures that i have tried, i have the unedited at the bottom and going upwards to the final edited picture.
i did this picture to make it look like it was behind glass and that the blood was splattered on the window.

                                                  i like the top one the most because i have darkened the eyes instead of lightened them up. these were practice pictures because i was not to good at doing the pictures.

                                                  i dont like this picture because of the eyes, she doesn't look like a zombie, she just looks like a women with bruises and marks on her.

                                                  this was my first attempt at editing into a zombie, i tried to make the eyes lighter, but it just messed up so then i tried to darken them again, i tried to take the colour out of the skin but it did not look like a zombie.

                                              this is the original image that i did not previously take for zombie pictures.

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Monday, 12 March 2012

Monday, 30 January 2012

wtttffffff o.O

on this post, we did about how to change things on photoshop, we had to take a picture of our selfs face portrait, and we had to smile with our eyes open with no special effects on photo-booth, then we had to watch dave so he could show us what to do, .

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

final edits movement pictures,

theses are my edits of photoshop, and i didn't think that a lot when with it, and i personally don't like theses edits.
i tried to change it and makes it look more artistic and water coloured, i think this one is ok, but i could of done more to it.

i like this one because of the black with the added bold colours, i like how you can still see a lot of detailing in the image. and how there is different colours in the image.
. . . .. this is my final image that i am going to choose for my movement pictures.
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movement dancing

these are some movement pictures that i took when some dancers were dancing, i tried to capture the image with the most movement in the image.
i like this image because some of the girls hair is flying around and it makes it look like there moving more.

i got this image because they stopped the music and some of the people were still practicing, i like how some of the feet are blurred. 

this is when they were all dancing in the same speed, i like how they all are nearly doing the same move but some are not doing the same thing, i like how some of them are blurred because of the movement.

in this picture there was just some of them moving, and they were having turns, i like how they are doing the same thing in the same time and not messing up, and i like how there is hair flying around.

i like this image because there clothes are flying around, and i like how there is a different image of the girl with the pink top in the mirror. and i like how one foot is up and one is down.

i like this image because they are all jumping up and i captured it when they were all in the air, and i like how there clothes are moving and how you can see them in the mirror.

i like this close up image because she is up close and she is jumping with one foot higher, and i like how her clothes and how her hair is floating and flying everywhere.
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Monday, 23 January 2012

somewhere you can only go to make wishes, reserchh

i used some of these pictures because of the shine and the reflection of the rainbow coming off the jewellery

Somewhere powerful.

i really like this picture because it is a glass chess board, and then there is a white piece of card that says elegance on, i think this stands as powerful because chess is an important this to settle deals, and to see who has a smarter mind. i like how the beginning bit is in focus, and then the back of the picture is blurred

i like how there is just this one chess piece in focus, and it is one of the weaker chess pieces in focus, this could mean the there is a power in the weakest of people. 

this is in the normal colour with not edits and no different or added colour, i like how the gold is more expensive, but it is the silver coloured chess piece in focus, i did this to show extra strength in the weakest.

i only showed the elegance because it shows that even thought you could be poor,or not the cleanest, you can still be elegant :) .