Wednesday, 21 March 2012

heathers zombie pictures

theses where my pictures that i have tried, i have the unedited at the bottom and going upwards to the final edited picture.
i did this picture to make it look like it was behind glass and that the blood was splattered on the window.

                                                  i like the top one the most because i have darkened the eyes instead of lightened them up. these were practice pictures because i was not to good at doing the pictures.

                                                  i dont like this picture because of the eyes, she doesn't look like a zombie, she just looks like a women with bruises and marks on her.

                                                  this was my first attempt at editing into a zombie, i tried to make the eyes lighter, but it just messed up so then i tried to darken them again, i tried to take the colour out of the skin but it did not look like a zombie.

                                              this is the original image that i did not previously take for zombie pictures.

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Monday, 12 March 2012

Monday, 30 January 2012

wtttffffff o.O

on this post, we did about how to change things on photoshop, we had to take a picture of our selfs face portrait, and we had to smile with our eyes open with no special effects on photo-booth, then we had to watch dave so he could show us what to do, .

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

final edits movement pictures,

theses are my edits of photoshop, and i didn't think that a lot when with it, and i personally don't like theses edits.
i tried to change it and makes it look more artistic and water coloured, i think this one is ok, but i could of done more to it.

i like this one because of the black with the added bold colours, i like how you can still see a lot of detailing in the image. and how there is different colours in the image.
. . . .. this is my final image that i am going to choose for my movement pictures.
                                                                             . . . . . . . . . .

movement dancing

these are some movement pictures that i took when some dancers were dancing, i tried to capture the image with the most movement in the image.
i like this image because some of the girls hair is flying around and it makes it look like there moving more.

i got this image because they stopped the music and some of the people were still practicing, i like how some of the feet are blurred. 

this is when they were all dancing in the same speed, i like how they all are nearly doing the same move but some are not doing the same thing, i like how some of them are blurred because of the movement.

in this picture there was just some of them moving, and they were having turns, i like how they are doing the same thing in the same time and not messing up, and i like how there is hair flying around.

i like this image because there clothes are flying around, and i like how there is a different image of the girl with the pink top in the mirror. and i like how one foot is up and one is down.

i like this image because they are all jumping up and i captured it when they were all in the air, and i like how there clothes are moving and how you can see them in the mirror.

i like this close up image because she is up close and she is jumping with one foot higher, and i like how her clothes and how her hair is floating and flying everywhere.
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Monday, 23 January 2012

somewhere you can only go to make wishes, reserchh

i used some of these pictures because of the shine and the reflection of the rainbow coming off the jewellery

Somewhere powerful.

i really like this picture because it is a glass chess board, and then there is a white piece of card that says elegance on, i think this stands as powerful because chess is an important this to settle deals, and to see who has a smarter mind. i like how the beginning bit is in focus, and then the back of the picture is blurred

i like how there is just this one chess piece in focus, and it is one of the weaker chess pieces in focus, this could mean the there is a power in the weakest of people. 

this is in the normal colour with not edits and no different or added colour, i like how the gold is more expensive, but it is the silver coloured chess piece in focus, i did this to show extra strength in the weakest.

i only showed the elegance because it shows that even thought you could be poor,or not the cleanest, you can still be elegant :) .

Somewhere dark :(

- - - somewhere dark - - -

i this is picture works really well for somewhere dark, because it was pitch black, and the picture looks really creepy. i like how there is dirt on the floor with some rubbish, and how there are uncut weeds, and branches e.t.c. all on the floor. i also like how there further away it goes the darker it gets, and i like how the picture is in black and white because it gives of more cold meaning and a chill.

this picture is a little bit blurry, but in the long run this will have caused something dark to of happened, so i thought i would take a picture of this in black and white so try and send a message across.

this is a closer picture of closer to the camera, and the floor, so it looks like your in the picture yourself. 

i tried to shake the picture to make it more creepy and scary, like someone is running.

i took a picture of the small bush in front to make it look a bit of a cut off, and somewhere you shouldn't go. so it could be for somewhere dark and somewhere you shouldn't go

somewhere colourfull :D

- - - somewhere colourful - - -

i got a picture of jakes arm, and i edited him out, except the arm and the ball, i then tried a different effect called glowing edges, and it came out with something like this, which i really liked, and i tried doing it again ontop of the already edited picture to see what would come out, and i think it came out quite well, i kept the smoothness to the top, and i made the lines really thin, and the glowing was at a medium level to low. 

on this picture i just edited jake out, and kept the arm and ball, and then just tried a water ripple sort of effect. i think it makes the ball look even more awesome, but this one is not one of my favourites.

this is one of my favourites, and it is the main one that i want to use in my somewhere colourful, i think the effect of the glowing lines makes the picture look a bit dubstep party looking, and i like how it doesn't look real, and looks all electric. i like the little lines in the hand, and the palm of the hand. . . i also like how bright and detailed the smaller balls are, and how there are different colours of the effect. 

i one is not one of my favourites because the is to much glowing on the picture, and on the balls and the arm, if the lines where a little bit thinner and the glowing wasn't as bright i would be amazing, i do like the little speckles on the hand and arms, and how they look a little bit like tiny vain's.

i like this one because it isn't as over powering, and its not as bright or as thick as the other picture, i like how there is lots of detail in the finger lines of the hands, and how there are a tiny couple of speckles on the arm for hair e.t.c. i like how there is still a white shine from the smaller balls. 

Somewhere secret research

this brief is 'somewhere secret' 
i really like this image, because there is a cat, in black and white, that is hiding in a bag, i really like this image, mainly because it is in black and white, and how it makes the image look even more secret, i like how the inside of the bag, 

i think this is a really cute picture, i like how the lion is hiding underneath his paw, and how he has put the paw on his face, i like how his eyes are closed, and how much colour is in the lion.

i really like the focus on the inside of the birds nest, and how there are blue eggs in the nest, and i really like how there is a blur in the front of the nest.

i think this is a perfect place to hide, i really like how there is a blur in the waterfall, and i really like how there is so much green in the image, and some brown. i think this would be a perfect hiding place, with a bit of romance with it as well.

i really like this image, i like how smokey the waterfall looks, and the small step like wall where the water hits and bounces off. i like how the little steps are all green, and how the wall is full of green.

i think this would be a really romantic and quiet place to go, i like how there is a small waterfall with some river flowing through, i like the green trees and the green covering the walls and the brown of the river. 

i think this is an amazing picture, it looks peaceful and quiet, and i like how you can see all the small lines of detail in the leaf, and how there is small gliter pieces on the leaf, i really like how colourful it is, and how there is a shining raindrop in the middle of the leaf.

i thinkthis would be a romantic but scary place to go, i like how there is a small slow waterfall gentely hitting the water below, i really like how the top of the cave is black, and how there is one bush and one thin twig on the light.