Tuesday 29 November 2011

somewhere research, photo manipulation :Frank uyttenhove

i think this picture is really cute because the baby toddler is walking really proudly in a little suit and with a red tie all done up, and there is another in the background paying for the taxi, i just think it is cute, and very well made because you will never actually see a baby toddler do this. 

i think this picture i quite funny because the person is in a little bath and does not really need a life guard. but instead there is a big tall chair, a life guard and a floating ring just in case he does somehow drown, i like how the person in the bath is not actually bothered by the life guard.

i like this picture because it has a bit of humour in, mainly because this is like every fisherman's nightmare, and this fisherman is just sat there with seagull's attacking his fish on the line, but the water doesn't look like water on this, it just looks like tiles on the floor, and there are loads of birds after one fish. this picture doesn't actually look edited at all, it just looks likes one unlucky fisherman.

this picture i quite funny because there are giant ice steps in the water and it must be in the arctic where it is freezing and this man is just chilling in swimming trunks and a float to lye on, but  this picture makes it look warmer because of what the man is wearing, there is also a bit of shine on the man which makes it look like the sun is out and warm, the picture does not look edited, even though there is a man chilling in water with ice it still does not look edited, i like how that all of the picture has low amounts of colour, and the man is in the middle with some colour coming of him, but not that much colour that it ruins the picture.

I think this is very clever, i like how there is a man of amour led on the boiling beach and there is a woman in a bikini outfit wiping sun cream on the mans back, and the shine of the amour makes him look really hot and if you touch him you could burn or something, and i honestly have to say i do not know which bit is edited in this picture because the man and the woman could be led down and the background was edited it or the man of amour was edited in. 

this is one of many of my favourite pictures, i think this is really clever, and how they have done it must of been very good, i also like how his ski's are also metal and instead of the hand bits on ski's he has the ones to hit other armoured people with. so it looks even more funny, i also like how there is some snow flicking up at the back of the ski's when he is moving,and how the sky is all clear to get a nice image of the armoured man, and how most of the snow looks untouched and clean.

i think this picture is amazing, the fact that you cant really put metal in a washing machine, and he is there with just his under garment with his cute little socks that are wierd and pointy and that he still has he helmet on but the rest of his suit is in a washing basket, and that he obviously can't fit all of his suit in that little tiny basket, but there is only the leg and foot armour hanging on top is very clever.

i like this image and how the women has twins and is hanging of the pram and that the background looks blurred and makes the pram looks like its going really fast down a hill, and how one of the babies has a huge smile on its face, and the other baby just looks scared. this picture looks a little bit edited on the shoes and on her legs, and the pram does look edited a little, but other then that i think this is a very good picture.

i think this is an amazing picture, i like how the bear has a towel on its forearm, and how it is folded like a waiters cloth, and how he is trying to catch a fish with his paw, and how in is picture he has nearly caught the fish, this picture does look a little bit edited with the fish, and how the water also looks really fake, which is kind of upsetting because this picture would of been even better,  

i think this picture is amazing because of the fact that a couple of men a turning a new looking road beck into grass, and that they are rolling it onto the road to loose the road, the only main bad thing about this picture is that the men look kind of plastic, but it still looks real, and i also dislike the fact that after the grass has been placed, i don't like that the bars from the side of the road is still there, but i also like how long the road is and how much work the men have to do, it makes it more realistic.

this picture i actually find really really funny, i like how there is a sign on the floor of the road that says women, this could be an insult to women, or it could be a complement by being women, we are that awesome that we get our own side of the road, i like how the picture and the road is empty of people, and the road is really long and there is some like getting through further on in the picture, i also like that there is some lights on the side of the building that then gets covered by shadows, and how the road on the floor starts of dark, and then gets lighter.

i like this picture because the men are on a sofa, on a thin metal pole and they are really really high, and they all have brews and food, i think this is very clever, because i don't think any man would actually do this, and to put the sofa in is even more clever, i like how you can see all of the other buildings in the background as well. and i also like how they still have their helmets on and how the helmets and the orange sofa are the main pieces of colour in this picture, and i also like that there is steam or smoke coming up from the building, and how the picture isn't to bright and how there isn't that much colour or darkness in the background, but it still looks a bit musky and plain.

i think this picture is actually amazing, i like how there is a plain bedroom, with not that much in it, and how there is a women in the middle of the bed, on top of the covers, but is sinking into it like the bed is water, but the bed it only looks like the middle is liquid because her hands are placed on top of the quilt and her head and pillow are still on top of the quilt and not sinking in to the bed, so it makes the bed look a bit like a hot tub shape or something, the colours in this picture must have been thought out well, because the colour of the quilt makes it look a bit more thick then water, but instead looks a lot like liquified metal. i also like how the rest of the bedroom isn't blown away by loads of different colours, and how it is just kept to a simple silver and white bedroom to keep all the the information in the picture, and so i main editing isn't getting overwhelmed by different things.

Monday 28 November 2011

photoshop curves

dave was showing us some new things on photoshop so we could get better on it, we learnt things about curves and changing it.

this was the original picture from before we photoshopped it.

we picked any image that we wanted, and we had to go on photoshop and edit it on certain things, this shows were to find the curves. . . you go on image.

and then click adjustments and then click on Curves, this changes the colour and hue of the image.

this was making an 's shape with the curves. but with the pencil, so i was trying any shape i could.

this was making an 's shape with the actual lines, i added an extra dot on the line by just clicking onto it so i could move it different ways.

i then decided to go insane with the picture and just moved the lines everywhere to see what kind of effect would happen. this is more dark and dim then some of the pictures, i think that is because the lines are quite low and are not every high up.

and then i changed them again, and this time there was more colour in the picture, and i kept it from touching the edges so it didn't get rid of any colour and didn't take some of the effect away.

this one i made touch the edges and put the lines all over so it went all colourful and crazy on the picture, and totally changed the image style of the colour.

on this one i didn't go that mad with it, i just moved the to see what would happen to the picture, and it made it look a bit clay style and a bit musky looking, i added more dots on so i could move the lines to different places.

on this one i tried to make the lines go all up and down and made it also touch the lines at the top, i like the effect this has given of, its made the hair brighter and added more colour to this picture, but not that much colour that it looks a mess.

i started moving the lines in different places to see the effects and i saw that the lower some of the lines then the darker it went, and if i moved some more lines then it stayed bright and dark, i like this one because the picture is quite colourful but is also quite dark.

this picture i kept on the down low so the picture is more dark with not a lot of colour, i put the end of the right side of the line lower down to see what would happen, and the picture did this.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

somewhere research:: photo manipulation:: Jonathan M. Foerster

Jonathan M. Foerster::
I have found comfort and serenity in escapism through different mediums ever since I can remember. Always to be a recluse, quiet and in the constant realms of my head. These realms build upon love, fear, death, life and lust that I cannot render through words. My interpretations are of only mere sketches to what I cannot describe inside me.

Building layer upon layer, obsessing over detail upon detail, my creations come to life after many months of hard work. Through this progression my thoughts and emotions change, and my work will evolve but in the end its core is still intact.

This is just me, attempting to communicate myself through pieces that grow more detailed and time consuming as I, myself grow, change, learn and experience our shared course.
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I think this picture is kind of creepy, there is a nice look of grass and flowers and then underneath the rocks there is some smoke and some skull heads, there is a nice style of colour and then darkness there, and the way the picture was created is a little bit cartoony but also realistic, the sky in the background look really musky and spooky.

this picture i think is quite cute, but is also really spooky, the colour of the picture is dark, and the black birds and the dark clouds with the rain makes it look a bit deadly, the red flowers in the picture stand out for the corner of the picture, and the house looks dark, deserted and abandoned, and the fact that the stone on the floor some of the grass covering the rock makes the stone on the floor patchy and old. and with the editing at the top, makes it look like the world is almost ending.

this picture i think looks awesome, the colour with the whiteness of the picture makes it stand out, the sharpness of the editing makes it look deadly, and it also looks like the universe, but it also looks like paint against gravity and that its floating instead of smashing on the ground, the rainbows make the picture look a little more nicer, but it still looks dark, the dark is at one side more then the other, so it looks like its coming in from one side, the lighting blocking of half of the rainbow is amazing and is in the perfect place.

this picture is a bit scary and looks like a dead girl with a dead horse, is also looks like she is looking for someone and is probably a murderer. but she is also smiling and her hair is a bit floaty, and with it being all dark it looks a bit realistic but still has the show of a cartoon, the leaves and bushes at the left side add a hint of real to the picture, and the colour of them make them stand out, also the smoke in the background and with the fence makes it look even better.

this picture is like a glass image, all of the colours and the sharpness makes this picture look like different colours of broken glass and makes the picture look more dangerous, i like how the colours and quite dark and dim at the front and how the colours in the background are lightened up and shining, i also like how there is a refection added to the glass, and also the shining off the glass. 

i really like this picture of the real sky, with edited darkness in the corner looking upwards, and the birds flying overhead makes it look even better, the clouds on one side being more dark then the other makes it look a lot better as well. and i also like how the red wires on the edited bit of the picture looks a bit like vain's and i also like how it looks sharp and out of this world.

this is a picture of the previous one above but close up on the bird, on this picture i like how bright the clouds are and the shine of wards, i like how there is a darkness of clouds and how the stars and the blueness of the shine brightens it up a bit. i like how the bird is big and is a bird of prey instead of a small cute one. and how there is sharpness on the edit at the left.

i think this picture is good mainly because of the creepiness, it would not be good without it, i think that the picture is really good because of the shadowing and the smokiness of the background, this looks like it is set in a graveyard because of the smoke and the skulls being placed, i also like how the grass is very dark and is black, and how everything is either mainly black with some colouring, or is all black and all you can see is the outline of them, and almost have to guess at what it is that is covered in black shadows.

i really like this picture because personally i think it is quite cute, and how the black shadows in the corner look a little bit like a see through veil of some sort, and how the sky is actually quite bright and is a nice colour of blue, and how the camera angle is looking straight up but with a bit of a down angle with it.

i actually real enjoy looking at this picture, mainly because the earth is higher then where the camera would be sitting, and i like that it is mainly back with some lightening on one little corner to the right, but the reason i really like this image is because of the sky, and how it looks like its rotating and how the clouds seem like they are facing the other direction, i also like how the birds on the edge of the picture are flying of the screen and how there are more stars on the left then the right.
on this picture, i like how the skull is right up close and how there is spiderwebs on the skull, but also inside he skull and going off the picture, i also like how there is still a red tint in the picture near the bottom and how it has been put under the skulls eyes, and how there is a pattern that could be old writing or it could be writing in a different language that has been craved into it. and how it has shown up a little red like it has cut into skin.

i think this picture i really cute, i like how there is bright colours in it and how there is shards of colourful glass broken off that look like flowers or butterflies and how it just looks like they are slowly gliding of the picture, and i also like how the picture is looking up and the glass is over head and how some of the big shards of glass are falling downwards, i like how there are some thin lines running through the picture and how the background is darker then the glass itself so it looks like shadows.
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Monday 21 November 2011

somewhere research, photo manipulation :Erik Johansson

zip city::, erik has taken some tractors and behind them put a huge zip in with a city, this was a very clever idea and i like how he has designed and made this, it actually looks quite realistic and the tractors and the grass looks real, but a bit of a disappointment as the city looks edited. if it looked more real with extra lights like new york city or something like that, this picture then, would be amazing.

perspective square case:: this picture is very confusing, with the staircase, but the picture does look real and the staircase looks like it is actually there, you can still see a bit of editing, but nothing can be perfect, the bland colours and the place of where the staircase has been placed is good, so it is the centre of attention, the main bad thing about this picture is that the man on the stairs looks completely edited so that is a bit of a disappointment.

down side of the upside:: this picture i think is really really good, the bridge is both ways and it works and does not collide or look edited, the clouds in the background makes the picture a lot better, and the colour of the picture is bold and dark, so the lonely man on the sides of the bridge look kind of dark and creepy. the shadowing on the bottom of the bridge makes it look even more real.

Deep Cuts:: this picture i think is actually amazing because the picture doesn't look that real, but it does as well, and the giant scissors look like they have perfectly easily cut thought the earth and the house, the women in the house i think it made well because she is in white, and actually looks annoyed about what has happened. and the scissors have actually carried on nearly of the page, and the clouds in the sky have a perfect lining against the rest of what is happening in the rest of the picture.

Go Your Own Way:: i think this picture is amazing! that fact that he has picked up the road in the picture, and is dragging it against the ground to make his own road i think looks amazing, i have to say that this picture looked extremely hard to do and he has done unbelievably well with it, it doesn't actually look at all edited, and it is perfectly placed in his hands and over the grass.

Heaven Express:: i think this picture is quite good, but it is a little bit boring, the good things about this picture is that the clouds at the top of the church and started turning like a tornado and that the clouds have started to move downwards, and the strings that are attached to the church, but other then that i personal think it is boring.

heven express:: i think this picture has been do with great talent, the picture looks like it has been naturally like that, the fences just curve and fall downwards, and the path is perfect and there are no cracks or breaks in the hill, and the man on the bike on the top makes it look even more believable, the only bad thing is that it looks like a mirror image, it probably is, and that is the disappointment in this picture.

Artificial flooding:: i think this picture is acutally really good, the guy putting the mirrors down on the floor makes it look even more amazing, the mirrors actually look like water, and the fact that the are patches that he hasn't done yet makes it look even more amazing, the colour is just a plain colour and is black and white but with a tint of yellow, so it looks even more like the water on the ground, and the colour helps to take out any errors in the picture, this picture doesn't even look like there has been any editing in this picture, apart from the colour.

Marine Works:: i think this picture looks amazing with everything in black and white but the painted floorboards as the ocean is in colour, and i like that the bucket and paint brush is also left in colour, i like the fact that you can see the women painting and her shoes are behind her and that she is sat on the floor, the other good thing is the blue keeps going on for a while by the look of this picture, and that the paint still looks wet so there is a little bit of a refection and how there are different tones of blue and that the is a shadow on the water/floor from the clouds, the another really good thing about this picture is that there are some birds in this picture just flying around like they would on the ocean, this makes the painting look a lot more like actual water.

Aqua Custodia:: this picture is a simple but a none simple picture, the house is under water in a glass box with space with a garden and a tree, and there is a little person in the box next to the glass, there are lights on the corners at the top of the box shining in, and there is some strange patterns in the ocean out of the box like the ocean floor and wall, there is also big metal balls to keep the house in the box down at the bottom of the ocean

somewhere, photo manipulation :} : Jan Oliehoek

this is a really nice picture of a little small dragon on someones finger, this is good because they have also added a bit of smoke coming out of the dragons nose to make it look even more realistic.

this picture it quite funny because of the candle on top of the fish that is underwater, the background is lighted up in the rounded shape that candles make, so it makes it look better, but the background does look like it is a painting or something.

i love this picture, the hamster is funny, and that they added cheese makes it better, it doesn't look edited, apart from the cheese a little bit, and the fact that they have added bubbles make it look 10 times more amazing, but personally i think that there are to many of the same fish, because it just looks like they have just edited half of the fish into the picture.

this picture does creep me out a little the nut and the opening looks none edited and looks really realistic and the adding of the eye makes it look even more amazing because they have added it in just the right place because there is no big gap in between the eye and the nut, and the colour of the eye looks a lot better with the nut, and the eye has a tint of colour reflected from the nut also. and with the blank background makes it also more interesting and eye drawing.  

i like this picture, it is a really good chose of animals to have been put together, and the colours are really good together because they are nearly the same colour apart from that the cat is a little lighter from the cow and that the cat has black/Gray patches on it, the shadowing is also really good and how it is shadowing underneath the cows face and the certain places of the cat, the background works really well with pictures and manipulations like these as it keeps the eye on the manipulation. 

this picture works really well because of the animal chose, the focus of the picture and the blur of the leaves, and the fact that the frog has the cats tail, the colours are a like so it doesn't look like a bomb shell, but the cats head does look a little bit big for the frogs body. 

this picture is not one of my favourites the head of the animal just looks like clay, and the frogs body looks to dry, but it does work a little, the colours are good and the background is plain and simple with the branch that the animal can stand on, the focus on the stem i find very good, but this picture is a bit to dark for my liking.

this picture is one of my favourites, the mixing of the animals works really well, most of the animal is the rat, but it still works and i find it really cute =3 . . the duck beak looks like it is actually there, and that it doesn't actually look edited at all.

this is a cute picture, the animals together looks really good, and the colour change works well also, the lumps on the toad is in very good focus and the leaf is really nice and dark green and looks really good and has a good shine for a leaf, the sine on the animal is interesting, and the shine on the leaf it in a good position, the plain black background pushes the eyes to the animal but also to the leaf as well.

.this picture kind of creeps me out, the editing is amazing, the blood from the nose is good, and the skin on both sides looks good, the left side, the girl looks angry and a little bit physo, and the shading on the eye makes it look more scarey, on the right side, the eye is bright so it stands out, but for me the eye is a little to bright with the yellow, the skin colour and the cracks looks really creepy, and the dark hair also works well with the picture, and the lighting in the background is dark like the picture.

this picture has the be one of my favourite picture out of them all, the slime from the frog works amazing with the zebra, and the pattern on the frog is amazing, the picture looks amazing and looks like it has no editing at all, the focus on the animal and on the leaves makes it look more real, and the blur from the background looks a lot better

this picture looks unbelievably real and the style of the gun pointing with the finger and the end of the finger being shooted like a bullet was very clever by the person, the blood spatter looks gross but makes the picture the picture, the lighted background and the round light shine is good to brighten up the blood spatter and the finger tip.