These pictures were taken in nick's lesson, for an advertisement from the 19'00s and had to take pictures with a cereal, Oats porridge. This was our model who we had to dress up and take picture off.
this picture was taken in black and white when he first came in when we were practicing with the lighting and seeing what place the lighting would look best in, we stuck tape to the ground to show where we could put the lights back if we moved them, we did the same with the table that the tv' was on.
this is one of the pictures taken with the cardboard tv that nic made, we made him look like a cave man trying to sell oats porridge on an ad.
i did a close up, and tried to get the main picture focusing on the cereal box, but the lighting ruins it a little because there is a bright shine refecting of the box so it makes it too bright, his face was in a good position with the lighting because the shadows show up in a good place, and his hand is in a good position with the lighting because it has a nice shadow on the back of his hand, and i like that the crab has no shadow on it.
i took a picture from further away to get the tv' in the picture, the cereal box has to much lighting on it, and is refecting the light of it, but he face is in a good postiton for the lighting, so when we took another picture, i got him to move the box to a different position and took some practice shots to see if the lighting was right on the box, if it wasn't i would re-arranged things to get it into a better position.
we put the kilt on him because on the cereal box the was a man, in a kilt doing a pose, we tried to make the model look like him on the box, and i got him to do that pose to show off his muscles to make him look tough because he has eaten oats porridge, and it would want other people to have it to.
we got the lighting in a certain position to shine on the model, and shadow his legs a bit and to give of a shadow of him in the background,
we got the lighting a bit wrong on this image, we was trying to sell the porridge, but we got the light manly on the models face, the lighting would of been good for a close up portrait picture of the face, because it has a dark shadow on the right side of his face, we changed the lighting so we could brighten up the rest of him and so we could show the box a bit better, we also got him to move into the places that we wanted him in.
we changed the lighting again, but this time its mainly on the models legs, and the face and the cereal box is really dark.
we got the lighting right by shining it in the middle of the model to brighten everything else up, we moved him a little, and moved the lighting a little further back so there was more light on the model, we put flowers in him mouth to make it look more funny, and we got him to move the cereal box a bit higher so more lighting would get onto it.
i took a close up of his face and the cereal box to show more of the box and because there was a good shadow of the flowers and of the box, and i wanted to try and get more emotion and a confused look in his face for the shot.
we got him to do a little position, and then moved him around to test and see the lighting. . . the lighting was to bright on his face and makes it look like he is being blinded, you cant see the cereal box, which was one of the main focuses on the picture.
we added the police hat because we thought it would make it look more funny, and random, and got him to do that pose because we wanted more shadow in the background, the bad thing about this picture is that the cereal box is really dark so you cant really see it.
this picture is really good and the lighting is almost in the right place, but then he looked down.
this is the best picture with the police hat on because all of the lighting is in the right position, there is a good amount of shadow, it is bright on his face, but not to bright, and there is a good amount of light on the cereal box, but the cereal box is still a bit to dark.
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